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Our vision is a climate-friendly world in which renewable resources are the key to ensuring the well-being of present and future generations.

Read our sustainability report here.

Sustainability strategy

One aim of the CropEnergies corporate strategy is to anchor sustainability throughout the company and at all levels. In this context, targets and measures are defined that are in line with the vision of an economically and ecologically sustainable and socially responsible company.

Further information on individual topics and our focus areas can be found in the respective sections.

Sustainability targets

The CropEnergies Executive Board has defined four sustainability targets. The achievement of the targets is systematically monitored and the effectiveness of the defined measures is regularly evaluated.

Omnipresent: zero accidents
CropEnergies is committed to the agreement "VISION ZERO. Zero accidents - healthy work!"

By 2027: Increase the proportion of women in management positions
CropEnergies aims to increase the proportion of women at the management level below the Executive Board from 20% to 30% by 2027.

By 2030: Reduce fossil CO2 emissions
CropEnergies halves direct and indirect fossil CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) from production by 2030 compared to 2018.

Climate neutrality by 2045
CropEnergies is aiming for climate-neutral production by 2045.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

CropEnergies is committed to the global Sustainable Development Goals and has identified the following seven of the seventeen global Sustainable Development Goals according to the principles of relevance and effectiveness for CropEnergies.


Initiatives and memberships

CropEnergies is involved in initiatives to promote sustainability in a global and topic-specific corporate context. Dialogue with various interest groups is important to us in order to discuss and overcome current challenges relating to ecological and social issues at local, national and international level.

We participate in the following networks:

External ratings and awards

Overview of our current ratings from leading environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings and benchmarks.

Do you have any questions or comments? Contact

CropEnergies AG
Phone: +49 621 71 41 90-00
Fax: +49 621 71 41 90-04

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