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Annual General Meeting 2023

Annual General Meeting 2023

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Annual general meeting 2023

The Virtual Annual General Meeting for the 2022/23 financial year was held on Tuesday, 11th of July, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (CEST) in Mannheim, Germany.

The English translation is provided for convenience only and should not be relied upon exclusively. The German version of the invitation is definitive and takes precedence over this translation.


24.05.2023 Publication of annual report
30.05.2023 Convening of the Annual General Meeting by public announcement in the Federal Gazette and via the European media bundle
30.05.2023 Publication of the documents for the Annual General Meeting on the CropEnergies-website
10.06.2023 Deadline for requests for additions to the agenda (24:00 CEST)
20.06.2023 Record Date (record date for shareholdings; 00:00 CEST)
20.06.2023 Launch of Aktionärsportal* (shareholder portal) on CropEnergies-website
26.06.2023 Final deadline for countermotions to be published pursuant to Sec. 126 German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) (i.e. to be published on website) (24:00 CEST)
04.07.2023 Shareholders Deadline for notice of intention to attend the Annual General Meeting (24:00 CEST)
05.07.2023 Deadline for submission of comments to be made available by shareholders or proxies duly registered for the AGM (24:00 CEST)
06.07.2023 Pre-publication of the CEO’s speech on CropEnergies-website (German version)
06.07.2023 Publication of any comments to be made available (24:00 CEST)
10.07.2023 Final day for submission of written proxy forms and instructions to proxies via regular mail or e-mail (entry until 24:00 CEST)
11.07.2023 Day of virtual Annal General Meeting (AGM) 2023
Start: 10:00 CEST
Public transmission of AGM in audio and video on the company website: â€śonly form the opening of virtual AGM until the end of speech by the Chairman of the Executive Board”
Transmission of total AGM in audio and video via shareholders portal i.e. only for duly registered shareholders and their proxies “from the opening up until the end of AGM”
11.07.2023 Deadline for Proxies and Instructions to representatives of CropEnergies via shareholder portal (possible until the start of voting)
11.07.2023 Deadline for electronic postal vote via shareholder portal (possible until the end of voting)
11.07.2023 Objection possibility against adaption of resolutions by the general meeting via shareholder portal (only for shareholders and their representatives and possible until closing of general meeting)
12.07.2023 Publication of voting results on CropEnergies-website at the latest one day after the Annual General Meeting
14.07.2023 Dividend payout

* Access to the shareholder portal is only possible for shareholders and their proxies who have duly registered for the Annual General Meeting. Shareholders/proxies will receive the access code with the registration confirmation for the virtual Annual General Meeting.

If you have any questions, or would like further information, please contact

Annabell Kapper

Investor Relations
Phone: +49 621 71 41 90-30
Fax: +49 621 71 41 90-04