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The plus in protein


Valuable animal feed from the ethanol plant in Zeitz

CropEnergies produces the valuable animal feed ProtiGrain® from stillage, which is produced during ethanol production on the basis of starch-containing grain. Stillage has been fed to animals in liquid form for centuries and is therefore very limited in regional terms. If it is dried and pelletised, the result is DDGS (Distillers' Dried Grains with Solubles), a marketable product that can be easily transported and stored. Due to its high protein and fat content as well as its advantageous energy content, DDGS is a high-quality feed for all types of livestock as well as for pet food. It replaces mainly soybean and rapeseed extraction meal in the rations on a pro rata basis. CropEnergies markets DDGS produced in Zeitz throughout Europe under the brand name ProtiGrain®.

Schematic Diagram of production Process of Ethanol, Protigrain and CO from Grains and Sugar Syrups Download (PDF, 732 KB)

Product data

Product data
Dry matter (DM) 91 %
Ingredients per kg dry matter
Crude ash 56 g
Crude protein 316 g
Crude fibre 76 g
Crude fat 86 g
Starch 26 g
Sugar 52 g
N-free extractives 466 g
NDF neutral detergent fibre om 419 g
ADF acid detergent fibre om 162 g
Lignin (ADL) 74 g
Enzyme oil. org. substances 803 g
Gas formation 47 ml/200 mg
Amino acids (% in DM)
Lys Met Thr Cys Trp
0,73 0,52 1,05 0,62 0,32
Minerals (g/kg DM)
Ca P Na Mg K
0,9 8,1 4,4 3,1 14,0
Trace elements (mg/kg DM)
Cu Zn Mn FE
8,9 63 50 121

ProtiGrain® Market

Even before its market launch in 2005, ProtiGrain® was accompanied by scientific studies. This enabled it to establish itself very quickly as a valuable, protein-containing feedstuff on the German and European markets - as a component in compound feed or directly in ruminant feeding. ProtiGrain® is distributed throughout Europe, with the main focus on Germany and its immediate neighbouring countries due to logistical advantages. All well-known manufacturers of high-quality animal feed as well as pet food can be found in our customer portfolio.

ProtiGrain® Feeding

ProtiGrain® is used in the feeding of ruminants, pigs, poultry and pets as well as in aquaculture.

ProtiGrain® is characterised above all by its high digestibility, balanced protein/energy ratio and excellent palatability. The pellet size of 6 mm is ideal for mixtures with other pellets or for direct feeding in the cattle sector. The gentle, indirect drying of the product at relatively low temperatures (below 100° C) is also important for the quality.

ProtiGrain® can be used in a variety of ways in the feeding of livestock and pets. The following maximum quantities can be used in the ration for the various animal species:

Animal species up to ... % ProtiGrain®
Dairy cow 20
Feeder 15
Beef cattle 20
Fattening pig 10 - 15
Breeding sow, pregnant 4
Breeding sow, suckling 8
Broiler 5
Laying hen 15
Pullet rearing, extensive 20


Fodder value

Feed value of ProtiGrain® for ruminants (per kg dry matter)

Feed value ruminants
UDP 5* 60%
Net energy lactation (NEL) 7.6 MJ
Convertible energy (ME) 12,5 MJ
usable crude protein (nXP) 245 g
ruminal N balance (RNB) 11,4 g

undegradable crude protein in the rumen at an assumed rumen passage rate of 5 % per hour

Feed value of ProtiGrain® for pigs (per kg dry matter)

Feed value pigs
Convertible energy (ME) 12.8 MJ
Amino acids
Lysine 0,73 %
Cystine 0,62 %
Methionine 0,52 %
Threonine 1,05 %
Tryptophan 0,32 %



Highest quality standards

Only high-quality and tested raw materials (grain and sugar syrups) are processed for the production of ProtiGrain®. According to the legal feed designation for straight feeding stuffs, ProtiGrain® is a stillage (number 5.05.01 of the positive list). Production is carried out in accordance with the highest quality standards and compliance with the relevant quality management systems. Also important for the quality is the gentle, indirect drying of the product at relatively low temperatures, which ensures high protein digestibility.

CropEnergies AG also cooperates with various universities and other research institutions to provide its customers with recommendations for the optimum use of ProtiGrain® in animal feed.

ProtiGrain® is an innovative and high-quality product. In order to meet the high customer requirements and to always provide a reliable product, we have established an efficient quality management system that is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. Furthermore, we are certified according to the GMP+ FSA system and are thus able to deliver into comparable systems.

Since August 2019, ProtiGrain® is additionally controlled according to the VLOG "Ohne Gentechnik" production and testing standard and bears the additional label "VLOG tested".

Through the continuous improvement of our production processes and consistent and systematic quality control from the raw material to the finished product, CropEnergies achieves the highest possible product quality for the benefit of customers and for the healthy nutrition of animals.

Process certificate BioWanze S. A. Download (PDF, 383 KB)
VLOG "Ohne Gentechnik" Production and Certification standard Status 2023 Download (PDF, 420 KB)
Do you have any questions or comments? Contact

CropEnergies AG
Phone: +49 621 71 41 90-00
Fax: +49 621 71 41 90-04

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